"Succotash" Corn, Black Truffle, Lima Beans.

"Succotash" Corn, Black Truffle, Lima Beans.

Here is my version of a ramped up succotash.  A typical southern dish consisting of summer vegetables including corn and lima beans.  I added a few things like baby corn, black truffle, corn puree and huacatay (a peruvian herb).  Here is a dish that Eloise absolutely loved.  She was enamored with all the flavors that she wasn't expecting.  This recipe is again just another dish celebrating the bounty of the summer produce you can find at your local farmers market.  You don't have to do a ton of work for it either. Just have some great ingredients and enhance them a bit.  Here is the recipe I hope you enjoy it.


Corn Puree

3 cups of corn juice

1 1/2 tbsp of truffle oil



8 baby corn grilled in husk until tender and sliced 1 inch thick

8 small onions (boiler, or cippolini) roasted with olive oil

1 cup of heirloom baby tomatoes 

1 cup of fresh lima beans blanched

1 cup of fresh cranberry beans cooked through

1 tbsp of olive oil 

1 tbsp of butter


Huacatay Sauce (recipe here ) or this slight variation

2 cups of fresh huacatay

1 garlic clove

3 jalapenos

1 1/4 cup of olive oil

salt to taste

1 cup of veganaise (or mayo)


4 tbsp of snipped chives and flowers

1 black truffle 


For the corn puree,

simply place corn juice and a pinch of salt in a sauce pot.  Place the pot on medium heat and whisk often to prevent scorching.  The corn juice will thicken up from the natural starch and sugars, and it will become thick.  Adjust seasoning with salt and truffle oil and set aside and keep warm.

For the Huacatay Sauce,

Place garlic, huacatay, jalapenos, and 1/2 of oil into a blender.  Turn on and puree until smooth and drizzle in the remaining oil.  Season with salt.  Then take a 1/2 cup of the huacatay puree and mix together with the veganaise.  Season with salt and place in a squirt bottle.  Set aside for later.  

To Finish,

In a saute pan on medium high heat add butter, oil, lima beans, cranberry beans, onions, and baby corn.   Saute for 3 minutes until hot.  Season with salt and pepper.  Then season tomatoes with salt and a touch of olive oil.  Place a few spoonfuls of the corn puree on the plate.  Then add the vegetables on top and place tomatoes on as well.  Place a few dollops of the huacatay sauce around the vegetables.  Finish with truffle slices, chives, and blossoms.  Serve and enjoy!

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